Salamangkeros (50)
The class of humanoid magic-users truly begins when a Z-tizen answers the call to adventure and becomes a Salamangkero. While a Z-tizen is able to bond with a Z-Creature and borrow its abilities for their dailies, Salamangkeros can create bonds with multiple Z-Creatures and develop an increased affinity for all kinds of magic before choosing a future path - Hermits, the magical scholars and sentries, Babaylans the warrior healers, and Pintados, the survivalist fighters. By comparison, Salamangkeros are shamanists that can practice any of the magic they’re most attuned to for a variety of surface-level applications. In order to move up, Salamangkeros have to train a succeeding magic-user and showcase their ability to pass on knowledge to a higher council before they can be recognized into the next class.